Post by Katarina Williams on Mar 2, 2011 21:32:18 GMT
Katarina had climbed out onto the balcony using the fire escape as she headed to the rooftop. Taking a seat onto the ledge as she opened up a bottle of liquor twisting the cap off as she took a long drink from it. Sighing out from the burn coating her throat as she looked over her neighborhood area. She had a lot going through her mind at the moment and she had promised Adam she wouldn't go back on the bandwagon again with the drugs. Right now though she just wanted to get drunk and clear her mind of what was bothering her.
Post by Rubix Cube on Mar 7, 2011 15:32:25 GMT
Ruby had been sitting on the roof of Arkham for quite a while. She had spent all day working on bombs and had broken the back of the task. She only needed one more day and then she would be finished. Joker would be pleased, she thought. Right now, she was resting, letting her mind slow down by stargazing. She hadn't noticed her company until a slender shadow appeared. Sitting up, Ruby saw Kat sitting on the ledge. She stood up and smoothed out her dress. "Be careful now. You could fall."
Post by Katarina Williams on Mar 7, 2011 15:53:12 GMT
Katarina glanced over at the other woman that she had apparently missed when she came onto the rooftop. Setting the bottle of liquor down as she smirked. "That's the least of my worries, Ruby." Scooting back some so she wasn't too far on the ledge and laid on her back looking up at the stars. "We really are small compared to them. Almost meaningless." Referring to the stars.
Post by Rubix Cube on Mar 7, 2011 21:54:15 GMT
Looking at the liquor bottle, she sighed. "I see you haven't given up that then."
"Well it should be a big worry because Adam's not here and I've done my back in, and I sure as hell won't hurt it any further by catching you if you fall." Still standing, Ruby glanced at the stars as Kat spoke about them. Her gaze returned to the buildings surrounding her and the bright lights of the city. "It almost sounded as if you were describing us. You know, how civilized people perceive us, the crazies. When in actual fact, we're more powerful than they could ever be."
She looked at the ledge and the sidewalks down on ground level. "How are things, Katarina?"
Post by Katarina Williams on Mar 7, 2011 22:10:57 GMT
"I haven't drank in a while, Ruby.." Replying about the bottle of booze.
"I wouldn't want you to hurt your back." Letting out a hiccup as she got more comfortable on the rooftop. Resting her arms behind her head propping it up so her neck wasn't so strained. "Civilized people are too closed minded to perceive anything especially when it's at the tip of their noses.."
"Going better than they used to be, I suppose.. For once Nightshade's giddy and hasn't been fighting me for control like she normally would. It's peaceful." Picking up the bottle again taking another long drink.
Post by Rubix Cube on Mar 8, 2011 17:45:02 GMT
"Why don't you keep it that way then?" Ruby asked, putting her hair behind her ear.
"I knew you wouldn't." Giving a small smile, she continued to look at the not-so-busy streets. She nodded at what Katarina had to say.
"I'm glad." She cleared her throat and moved closer to the edge and stood on it. Suddenly, she felt a rush to the head and began to sway. She looked down and gulped. It wasn't good to stand on top of a building when you had a fear of heights. Slowly, she lowered her body into a crouch and then one by one, placed each leg back onto the roof floor and crawled away from the edge. Taking a few deep breaths to steady herself, she was once again on her feet standing.
"Remind me never to do that again. Jesus."
Post by Katarina Williams on Mar 8, 2011 17:53:42 GMT
"I got this under control more than the other stuff I used to do. I'm not in bad shape with it." Referring to the bottle of booze.
Looking up at her watching as she went to the ledge apparently to join her. "I didn't know you have a fear of heights.." She was learning more about Ruby each time they actually sat down and interacted with one another.
"Don't worry I won't let you fall. I'll catch you."
Post by Rubix Cube on Mar 8, 2011 18:32:28 GMT
"Well I hope you don't get carried away with it."
Shaking at the thought of how high off the ground they were, Ruby nodded, eyes closed. "Mmhmm. I can hardly climb a ladder without becoming nervous. Makes it difficult for some things."
"Oh no, I won't be going on that ledge any time soon so I won't be falling. No way." She spoke quietly and opened her eyes. Deciding not to look below, she looked back at the surrounding buildings. The night was passing slowly and she was grateful for it. She'd had many things on her mind, which kept it running into the very early hours of the next day. Her insomnia always got worse when she was working.
Visible dark circles were forming under her eyes, almost as if they were returning home. Since she'd stopped working for a while, she'd been getting more sleep but all that had changed now.
She yawned and stretched. "What have you been doing?"
Post by Katarina Williams on Mar 9, 2011 14:00:29 GMT
"I won't. I promised, Adam."
Noticing the dark circles forming around her eyes again. Lips curled into a concerned frown at this. "You haven't been sleeping again have you?" She wanted to know the cause of it and had hoped that Ruby was keeping clean.
"I've been spending my time outside of Arkham.." Kat was afraid to go into any further details than that. After all, she became Peregrine again when Nightshade wasn't out with Jason.
Post by Rubix Cube on Mar 9, 2011 21:18:51 GMT
Ruby glanced at Kat sharply. "You've got awful close to that man, haven't you? Don't get too close to him now, I'm a good example of why you shouldn't get too attached to a lover. Look what happened bewteen Dan and I."
She sighed and shook her head. "No I haven't. I never sleep when there is work to be done." She nodded at Kat's answer. "And..? What have you been doing outside of Arkham? I'm interested."
Post by Katarina Williams on Mar 10, 2011 16:14:54 GMT
Katarina frowned at Ruby's words. It was clear that Kat had already gotten close with Adam. Her feelings for him were strong the more they spent time together and she felt almost empty when he wasn't around. She was in love with him just like Nightshade was in love with Jason.
Breathing out slowly wanting to divert the attention away from her avoiding the question on what she had been doing while she was out. She didn't want to let Ruby know she had been doing some crime fighting as Peregrine. "You should sleep. You wouldn't want to mess up building a bomb would you?"
Post by Rubix Cube on Mar 13, 2011 20:08:10 GMT
Ruby's eyes narrowed at the brunette. "What are you hiding from me, Kat? I answer your questions, I expect you to do the same. Are you ashamed of something?"
She looked to her twitching hands. "I have never messed up a bomb because of lack of sleep - nor will I ever. So don't think I will, because I won't. And I don't need people to keep telling me what to do. Dan does it, now you do it. You're younger than me, stop trying to act older - I've made more mistakes than you have. By all means, I should be the one bossing you around."
Post by Katarina Williams on Mar 14, 2011 14:54:33 GMT
"Not at all..I'm not ashamed." Katarina replied calmly. "I've just been out. That's all. I um, even ran into Nightwing." She wasn't sure why she had mentioned her encounter with Ruby but she had hoped it would satisfy her curiosity.
"I'm not acting like Dan" Looking over at her with narrowed eyes almost insulted by her words. She was nothing like her former fiance in the least. "I only say it cause I mean well and so what if I'm younger than you. It shouldn't matter the age..I worry about you because I care, Ruby. Is that so wrong?"
Post by Rubix Cube on Mar 23, 2011 22:02:06 GMT
[Sorry for such a late reply, exams are the only thing I've been doing! ] Ruby tsked Kat and grinned at her, a malicious glint in her eye. "I'll get whatever it is you are keeping from me out of you later, I can't be bothered to harass you." She grunted when Kat mentioned Nightwing, not interested in him. "Oh well that sounds fun." She rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes you are. People always think I need to be told what to do but I don't." Ruby licked her lips. "I don't even know why you bother to be honest. You don't need to worry about me, I should be the least of your worries."
Post by Katarina Williams on Mar 24, 2011 0:04:20 GMT
[no worries]
"I do it because I care, ok? If I didn't give a fuck about you, I wouldn't say anything.." Katarina frowned clearly upset by all of this and finishes off the liquor bottle lobbing it over to ledge without a care as it smashed onto concrete sidewalk below.
Lets out an amused laugh hearing it smash before she got up staggering some as she was pretty drunk again. "I'll" Hiccuping. "See you laters tater toots.." Making her way over to the stairs so she could get down from the rooftop.